This guide will show you how to use Buf's Go Module Proxy to import Go/gRPC client and server stubs as you would for any other Go library. This will reduce the code generation process to two steps: buf push and go get (or go mod tidy). Remote Packages make it so that you do not have to worry about Protobuf code generation at all. You can push modules to the BSR and install generated code stubs from those modules using dependency management tools such as npm and go.

This guide assumes that you are already familiar with using Protobuf with Buf to generate client/server stubs. If you are not yet at this stage, we recommend that you check out our Getting Started guides.

Remote packages

You can use Remote Packages to depend on gRPC client and server stubs by modifying import paths to use the BSR Go module proxy. The Go module path you need to use is derived from the name of the module you want to generate for and the name of the plugin you want to generate with. For example, with the module<USERNAME>/petapis and plugin, the import path would be<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go.

Here are the steps you can take to supercharge your development with Remote Packages:

Before you begin

It's always a good idea to check if the locally installed version of buf is up-to-date. Open your shell and make sure you have the correct version installed.

$ buf --version

1. Push a module

If you haven't already done so, sign up for the Buf Schema Registry, create a repository and push your module to take advantage of everything the BSR has to offer.

2. Remove buf.gen.yaml

Without remote packages, you will need to generate your client stubs off of a Protobuf file in your project. Now, remove buf.gen.yaml and the generated code in the gen directory since you won't need to generate or maintain any code anymore.

rm buf.gen.yaml
rm -r gen

As expected, if you try to recompile your Go program, you'll notice a compilation error... this is expected:

$ go build ./...
client/main.go:10:2: no required module provides package; to add it: go get

3. Depend on

Update your import paths to point to your BSR-powered Remote Package.

The Go module path you need to use is derived from the name of the module you want to generate for and the name of the plugin you want to generate with:

Go module path syntax{moduleOwner}/{moduleName}/{pluginOwner}/{pluginName}<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go

With the module<USERNAME>/petapis and plugin, for example, the import path looks like this:<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go

View the extensive library of Buf plugins or visit the assets tab of your BSR repository.

Update your import paths accordingly:

 package main

 import (

-    // This import path is based on the name declaration in the go.mod,
-    // and the gen/proto/go output location in the buf.gen.yaml.
-    petv1 ""
+    petv1 "<USERNAME>/petapis/protocolbuffers/go/pet/v1"
+    "<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go/pet/v1/petv1grpc"

Once you've fixed up all your import paths from pointing to your locally/checked in generated code to your BSR-powered Remote Packages. Run the go mod tidy command, which should resolve the remote package successfully.

go mod tidy
go: finding module for package<USERNAME>/petapis/protocolbuffers/go/pet/v1 go: finding module for package<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go/pet/v1/petv1grpc go: found<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go/pet/v1/petv1grpc in<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go v1.2.0-20220907172654-7abdb7802c8f.4 go: found<USERNAME>/petapis/protocolbuffers/go/pet/v1 in<USERNAME>/petapis/protocolbuffers/go v1.28.1-20220907172654-7abdb7802c8f.4

4. Run your application

You can run the application again to verify that the remote package works as expected. Everything works just as before, but you no longer have any locally generated code:

4.1. Updating versions

If you update your module and push it, you can run go get to update the dependency version.

$ go mod tidy
-<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go v1.2.0-20210812172254-4514ddced058.4 h1:QREnaHDWmv55R7nL3buUIRfHH9dSkmPXTenFz1LUUZ4=
-<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go v1.2.0-20210812172254-4514ddced058.4/go.mod h1:txlj4LYzQXieGG4fYs7419d7Mbh6Vp/32ZRkfZwaUMc=
+<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go v1.2.0-20221114162513-4e6df5753af7.4 h1:lCa/8gUpxGfzYpd9gdkriJUd8YospXHonFySS9LkCzI=
+<USERNAME>/petapis/grpc/go v1.2.0-20221114162513-4e6df5753af7.4/go.mod h1:RNC72B+4E2y6/h5H+SDM4J1VOdSiOPBzqCyr7kOdhvw=


Using Buf's Go Module Proxy to import Go client and server stubs is a convenient way to reduce the code generation workflow to just two steps: buf push and go get. By leveraging the power of Buf and remote packages, you can simplify your development process and focus on building your applications without having to worry about managing locally generated code.