
buf categorizes breaking rules into four categories: FILE, PACKAGE, WIRE_JSON, and WIRE.

  • FILE: Breaking generated source code on a per-file basis. It'll detect changes that would break the generated stubs where definitions cannot be moved across files.

  • PACKAGE: Breaking generated source code changes on a per-package basis. It'll detect changes that would break the generated stubs, but only accounting for package-level changes.

  • WIRE_JSON: Breaking wire (binary) or JSON encoding. It'll detect changes that would break either wire compatibility or JSON compatibility.

  • WIRE: Breaking wire (binary) encoding. It'll detect changes that would break wire compatibility, including checks to make sure you reserve deleted types of which re-use in the future could cause wire incompatibilities.

As opposed to lint rules, you shouldn't mix and exclude specific breaking change rules. Instead it's best to choose one of the four FILE, PACKAGE, WIRE_JSON, or WIRE categories.

FILE is the most strict category, giving you the most protection. WIRE is the least strict, but it's the most flexible. When it comes to notifying you that your change is going to break something, FILE is better than PACKAGE is better than WIRE_JSON is better than WIRE.

If there's any doubt, choose FILE. buf breaking is feedback for you, the Protobuf service and message author, that your changes may break your program or others' programs. You always have the option of being less strict later.

These categories are not subsets of each other; don't expect similar sets of errors with them. As an example of how this works, consider the rules ENUM_NO_DELETE and PACKAGE_ENUM_NO_DELETE. ENUM_NO_DELETE is in the FILE category, and checks that for each file, no enum is deleted. PACKAGE_NO_DELETE is in the PACKAGE category, and checks that for a given package, no enum is deleted, however enums are allowed to move between files within a package. Given these definitions, and given that a file does not change its package (which is checked by FILE_SAME_PACKAGE, also included in every category), it is obvious that passing ENUM_NO_DELETE implies passing PACKAGE_ENUM_NO_DELETE.

See rules for details about individual checks and what categories they are in.


FILE and PACKAGE protects compatibility in generated code. For example, deleting an enum or message often removes the corresponding type in generated code. Any code that refers to said enum or message will fail to compile.

Let's look at an example. Image you had an Arena enum and marked ARENA_FOO as going away:

enum Arena {
  ARENA_FOO = 1 [deprecated = true];
  ARENA_BAR = 2;

Later you remove the server-unsupported field:

enum Arena {
  ARENA_BAR = 2;

This change is perfectly wire compatible but all code that referred to ARENA_FOO will fail to compile:

resp, err := service.Visit(
        Arena: visitv1.Arena_ARENA_FOO, // !!!

In some cases this is desirable but more commonly you're sharing your proto files or generated code to clients that you don't control. You should choose FILE or PACKAGE breaking detection if you want to know when you'll break your client's code.

While these rules are code generator specific, use FILE to protect all generated languages. FILE is absolutely necessary for:

  • C++
  • Python

You may use PACKAGE to protect languages which are less sensitive to types moving between files within the same package. These include:

  • Go


WIRE and WIRE_JSON detect breakage of encoded messages. For example:

  • Changing an optional field into a required one. Old messages which do not have that field encoded will fail to read in the new definition.

  • Reserving deleted types of which re-use in the future could cause wire incompatibilities.

WIRE and WIRE_JSON do not check for breakage in generated source. This is advantageous when:

  • You control all of your clients for your service. You're fixing it if it breaks anyway.

  • You want your client's build to break instead of getting errors at run-time. (Hopefully your clients are equally happy to immediately stop what they're doing to fix your service.)

  • All your clients are in a monorepo. You want to see who's depending on deprecated features by a broken build instead of run-time.

  • You are your own client. For example, you're trying to detect issues reading Protobuf encoded messages from older versions of your program that were persisted to disk / other non-volatile storage.

It's recommended to use WIRE_JSON over WIRE as Protobuf's JSON encoding breaks when field names change.

Use WIRE_JSON if you're using Connect, gRPC-Gateway, or gRPC JSON.

Use the less strict WIRE when you can guarantee only binary encoded messages are decoded.





Category: FILE

These check that no enums, messages, or services are deleted from a given file. Deleting an enum, message or service deletes the corresponding generated type, which could be referenced in source code. Instead of deleting these types, deprecate them:

enum Foo {
  option deprecated = true;

message Bar {
  option deprecated = true;

service BazService {
  option deprecated = true;




Category: PACKAGE

These have the same effect as their non-prefixed counterparts above, except that this verifies that these types are not deleted from a given package, while letting types move between files. For example, if foo1.proto and foo2.proto both have package foo, then an enum Bar could move from foo1.proto to foo2.proto without representing a breaking change.


Category: FILE

This checks that no file is deleted. Deleting a file results in its generated header file being deleted as well, which could break source code.



This checks that a given file has the same package value. Changing the package value results in a ton of issues downstream in various languages, and for the FILE category, this effectively results in any types declared within that file being considered deleted.


Category: PACKAGE

This checks that no packages are deleted. This basically checks that at least one file in your previous schema has a package declared for every package declared in your current schema. Deleting packages means that all types within those packages are deleted, and even though each of these types are checked, this is more of a sanity check.



Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

These check that no enum value or message field is deleted. Deleting an enum value or message field results in the corresponding value or field being deleted from the generated source code, which could be referenced. Instead of deleting these, deprecate them:

enum Foo {
  FOO_ONE = 1 [deprecated = true];

message Bar {
  string one = 1 [deprecated = true];



Categories: WIRE, WIRE_JSON

These check that no enum value or message field is deleted without reserving the number. While deleting an enum value or message field is not directly a wire-breaking change, re-using these numbers in the future is likely to result in either bugs (in the case of enums) or actual wire incompatibilities (in the case of messages, if the type differs). This is a JSON breaking change for enum values if enum values are serialized as integers (which is an option). Protobuf provides the ability to reserve numbers to prevent them being re-used in the future. For example:

enum Foo {
  // We have deleted FOO_ONE = 1
  reserved 1;


message Bar {
  // We have deleted string one = 1
  reserved 1;

Note that deprecating a field instead of deleting it has the same effect as reserving the field (as well as reserving the name for JSON), so this is what we recommend.



Category: WIRE_JSON

These check that no enum value or message field is deleted without reserving the name. This is the JSON equivalent of reserving the number - JSON uses field names instead of numbers (this is optional for enum fields, but allowed). We recommend reserving both the number and the name in most cases. Here's an example:

enum Foo {
  // We have deleted FOO_ONE = 1
  reserved 1;
  reserved "FOO_ONE";


message Bar {
  // We have deleted string one = 1
  reserved 1;
  reserved "one";

Note that it's usually better to deprecate enum values and message fields than to reserve them in advance.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no RPC is deleted from a service. Doing so is not a wire-breaking change (although client calls fail if a server does not implement a given RPC), however existing source code may reference a given RPC. Instead of deleting an RPC, deprecate it.

service BazService {
  rpc Bat(BatRequest) returns (BatResponse) {
    option deprecated = true;


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no oneof is deleted from a message. Various languages generate types for oneofs, which should no longer be present if deleted.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a file does not switch between proto2 and proto3, including going to/from unset (which assumes proto2) to set to proto3. Changing the syntax results in differences in generated code for many languages.



















Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

These check that each of these file options do not change values between versions of your Protobuf schema. Changing any of these values results in differences in your generated source code.

Note that you may not use any or all of these languages in your own development, and that's more than fine - if you don't set any of these options, none of these rules should ever break. You may not have been aware some of these options existed - if so, put them in your rear view mirror.



This checks that a given enum value has the same name for each enum value number. For example You cannot change FOO_ONE = 1 to FOO_TWO = 1. Doing so results in potential JSON incompatibilities and broken source code.

Note that for enums with allow_alias set, this verifies that the set of names in the current definition covers the set of names in the previous definition. For example, the new definition // new is compatible with // old, but // old is not compatible with // new:

// old
enum Foo {
  option allow_alias = 1;
  FOO_BAR = 1;
  FOO_BARR = 1;

// new
enum Foo {
  option allow_alias = 1;
  FOO_BAR = 1;
  FOO_BARR = 1;
  FOO_BARRR = 1;


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a given field has the same value for the ctype option. This affects the C++ generator. This is a Google-internal field option, so generally you won't have this set, and this rule should have no effect.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a given field has the same value for the jstype option. This affects JavaScript generated code.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that a field has the same type. Changing the type of a field can affect the type in the generated source code, wire compatibility, and JSON compatibility. Note that technically, it is possible to interchange some scalar types, however most of these result in generated source code changes anyways, and affect JSON compatibility - instead of worrying about these, just don't change your field types.

Note that with maps, Buf currently has an issue where you may get a weird set of error messages when changing a field to/from a map and some other type, denoting that the type of the field changed from "FieldNameEntry" to something else. This is due to how maps are implemented in Protobuf, where every map is actually just a repeated field of an implicit message of name "FieldNameEntry". Correcting these error messages isn't impossible, and it's on our roadmap, but it just hasn't been high priority - Buf still properly detects this change and outputs an error, so the pass/fail decision remains the same.


Categories: WIRE

This rule replaces FIELD_SAME_TYPE for the WIRE category. The consequences of this:

  • If the type changes between int32, uint32, int64, uint64, and bool, no failure is produced.
  • If the type changes between sint32 and sint64, no failure is produced.
  • If the type changes between fixed32 and sfixed32, no failure is produced.
  • If the type changes between fixed64 and sfixed64, no failure is produced.
  • If the type is changed from string to bytes, no failure is produced. A special message talking about string and bytes compatibility is produced if the type changed from bytes to string. Per the docs, you can change between string and bytes IF the data is valid UTF-8, but since we are only concerned with the API definition and cannot know how a user actually uses the field, we still produce a failure.
  • If the previous and current types are both enums, the enums are checked to see if the (1) the short names are equal (2) the previous enum is a subset of the current enum. A subset is defined as having a subset of the name/number enum values. If the previous is a subset, no failure is produced. The idea here is that this covers if someone just moves where an enum is defined, but still allows values to be added to this enum in the same change, as adding values to an enum is not a breaking change.
  • A link to is added to failures produced from FIELD_WIRE_COMPATIBLE_TYPE.


Categories: WIRE_JSON

This rule replaces FIELD_SAME_TYPE for the WIRE_JSON category.

JSON still allows for some exchanging of types, but due to how various fields are serialized, the rules are stricter. See - for example, int32, sint32, uint32 can be exchanged, but 64-bit numbers have a different representation in JSON. Since sint32 is not compatible with int32 or uint32 in WIRE, we have to limit this to allowing int32 and uint32 to be exchanged in JSON.

The consequences of this:

  • If the type changes between int32 and uint32, no failure is produced.
  • If the type changes between int64 and uint64, no failure is produced.
  • If the type changes between fixed32 and sfixed32, no failure is produced.
  • If the type changes between fixed64 and sfixed64, no failure is produced.
  • If the previous and current types are both enums, the enums are checked to see if the (1) the short names are equal (2) the previous enum is a subset of the current enum. A subset is defined as having a subset of the name/number enum values. If the previous is a subset, no failure is produced. The idea here is that this covers if someone just moves where an enum is defined, but still allows values to be added to this enum in the same change, as adding values to an enum is not a breaking change.
  • Links to and are added to failures produced from FIELD_WIRE_JSON_COMPATIBLE_TYPE.



This checks that no field changes its label. The available labels are optional, required, and repeated. Changing to/from optional/required and repeated means a generated source code and JSON breaking change. Changing to/from optional and repeated is actually not a wire-breaking change, however changing to/from optional and required is. Given that it's unlikely to be advisable in any situation to change your label, and that there is only one exception, we find it best to just forbid this entirely.



This checks that no field moves into or out of a oneof, or changes the oneof it is a part of. Doing so is almost always a generated source code breaking change. Technically there are exceptions with regards to wire compatibility, but the rules are not something you should concern yourself with, and it is safer to just never change a field's presence inside or outside a given oneof.



This checks that the field name for a given field number does not change. For example, you cannot change int64 foo = 1; to int64 bar = 1;. This affects generated source code, but also affects JSON compatibility as JSON uses field names for serialization. This does not affect wire compatibility, however we generally don't recommend changing field names.



This checks that the json_name field option does not change, which would break JSON compatibility. While not a generated source code breaking change in general, it is conceivable that some Protobuf plugins may generate code based on this option, and having this as part of the FILE and PACKAGE groups also fulfills that the FILE/PACKAGE categories are supersets of the WIRE_JSON category.




These check that no reserved number range or reserved name is deleted from any enum or message. Deleting a reserved value that future versions of your Protobuf schema can then use names or numbers in these ranges, and if these ranges are reserved, it was because an enum value or field was deleted.

Note that moving from reserved 3 to 6; to reserved 2 to 8;, for example, would technically be fine, however Buf still fails in this case - making sure all ranges are covered is truly a pain, we have no other excuse. We could fix this in the future. For now, just do reserved 3 to 6, 2, 7 to 8; to pass breaking change detection.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that no extension range is deleted from any message. While this won't have any effect on your generated source code, deleting an extension range can result in compile errors for downstream Protobuf schemas, and is generally not recommended. Note that extensions are a proto2-only construct, so this has no effect for proto3.



This checks that the message_set_wire_format message option is the same. Since this is a proto1 construct, we congratulate you if you are using this for any current Protobuf schema, as you are a champion of maintaining backwards compatible APIs over many years. Instead of failing breaking change detection, perhaps you should get an award.


Categories: FILE, PACKAGE

This checks that the no_standard_descriptor_accessor message option is not changed from false/unset to true. Changing this option to true results in the descriptor() accessor not being generated in certain languages, which is a generated source code breaking change. Protobuf has issues with fields that are named "descriptor", of any capitalization and with any number of underscores before and after "descriptor". Don't name fields this. Before v1.0, we may add a lint rule that verifies this.






These check that RPC signatures do not change. Doing so would break both generated source code and over-the-wire RPC calls.



This checks that the idempotency_level RPC option does not change. Doing so can result in different HTTP verbs being used.

What we left out

We think the rules above represent a complete view of what is and isn't compatible with respect to Protobuf schema. We cover every available field within a FileDescriptorSet as of protobuf v3.11.4, as well as additional fields as added. If we've missed something, let us know.

We did leave out custom options, though. There's no way for buf to know the effects of your custom options, so we cannot reliably determine their compatibility. We may add the google.api options in the future if there is sufficient demand, especially google.api.http.